Friday, September 23

Constructing the New Order

Beata Kozlowska, The New Eldorado, Outdoor installation view, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, The New Eldorado, Outdoor view, Aspex

The second week of my work became more settled , I gradually started using materials I chose in the first week to have a good process of figuring out/ putting elements together in the new order….  My work seems to be very controlled in many cases. But this control is derived from utopian aspiration to Harmony and balance…

The first series of work I called ‘The New Eldorado’ as a reference to pop culture and the myth built around the golden age of prosperity. Golden plastic lid, purity of blue, orange and White… Colour is another indication of unifying and enabling symbiosis within the object.  I was also experimenting with already existing natural ‘presupposition’ of brought objects. I use them in assemblages, mini- installation, Solaris, with mirrors, metal bars, round shapes of the records, lampshades…

Beata Kozlowska, Solaris, installation details, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, Late One Evening, Aspex
Beata Kozlowska, Late One Evening, Detail, Aspex

The elements are assembled and constructed in a particular way, they may resemble maquette of the city, dysfunctional furniture or imaginary design subliminally referencing modernism, Post-Duchampian tradition of ready-made, interior design of Bauhaus and domesticity…the references are endless, the objects are open like a text for further interpretation…The Game is never-ceasing, established rules of having limitation within plurality was a great experiment…

Beata Kozlowska, Neue Sachlichkeit, Aspex


Beata Kozlowska, Neue Sachlichkeit, installation detail, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, Neue Sachlichkeit, installation detail, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, Volant piece upon me, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, Volant piece upon me, Aspex

At the end of the week I was tempted to create ironic harmony, merely maintaining a balance within the assembled objects. Orange mini columns, reminiscent of negative furniture, are fragilly supporting each other balancing on the red string…
The process of creating my work was so similar to the process of my usual art practice. I found the project relieving and inspiring.  Also I had a chance to collaborate/ or rather interact not only with fellow artists ( Nicola Dale, Jason Tylor, Andy Parker), but also with enthusiastic audience.

'Working Title'- experimental project in Aspex gallery in Portsmouth

Beata Kozlowska, After the Fall, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, Solaris, installation detail, Aspex Gallery

Beata Kozlowska, Broadening the View‘Working Title, Aspex

On the first day of my arrival to Aspex gallery on Sunday, I was impressed by the good choice of brought ‘public’ objects.

Following my intuition, I started immediately selecting wide range of objects, part- elements, prefabricates….
The selection of elements is purely improvisational and rather dictated by aesthetic symbiosis within the assemblage.


Beata Kozlowska, The New Eldorado, Aspex

Beata Kozlowska, The New Eldorado, detail, Aspex

My first installation is deliberately limited to round shapes, lines, reflection of stripes of randomly selected elements. It became an intriguing  Game for me as an artist and the viewer. I intend to make links between disparate elements and materials with unconscious desire to find HARMONY And CLARITY in unwanted/ rejected/ negative… The necessity to construct a new ORDER based on existing, may have some inner roots in deconstruction similar to metaphor of ‘reborning the Phoenix from Ashes’ for the sake  of clarifying and relieving…

Beata Kozlowska, AnneXing, Aspex (studio view work in progress)

Beata Kozlowska, Untitled C, Aspex